Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

The design-component controller "Don-Turbo" is used to build a design-component telemetry device designed to collect data from different types of measuring equipment and remotely transmit information to the control room.

The controller "Don-Turbo 421 Lt" is lightweight, designed to collect data from gas meters and calculators with a digital interface RS-232\RS-485 in the "transparent channel" mode.

The central controller "Don-Turbo" is designed to collect data in the "through channel" mode from various equipment. Allows data exchange in GSM networks, from measuring equipment to the control room. Modifications: 433 ai (with internal antenna), 433 ao (external antenna).

Multifunctional controllers "Don-Turbo" are designed to work as part of automated systems for monitoring and accounting of energy resources and are presented in the form of a number of modifications that differ in power supply, explosion protection, the main data transmission mode and other parameters that are determined by a specific technical task. Modifications: CDT - 112 - T Ex ib, CDT - 221 - T Ex ib, CDT - 212 - T Ex ib, CDT - 112 - T Ex d [ib], CDT - 221 - T Ex d [ib], CDT - 212 - T Ex d [ib].

THE EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED: modem pools PM-04, PM-08 provide data exchange with controllers of telemetry and telemechanics systems simultaneously via several GSM cellular communication channels.

The DONTEL hardware and software complex is designed to build telemetry and telemechanics systems that are used to monitor and account for energy consumption, as well as control and regulation of technological parameters.
- Energy resource of the same type CD "DONTEL" version X-Cg-2
- Energy resource of two types CD "DONTEL" version X-Cgh-2 
- Energy resource of three types CD "DONTEL" version X-Cghw-2
- Energy resource of three types and Ethernet CD "DONTEL" version X-Cghw-23
- Counters with pulse outputs CD "DONTEL" version X-I-1
- Corrector of 2 types of energy resources (gas + heat or others) and meters with pulse outputs CD "DONTEL" version X-CghI-12
- Corrector of 4 types of energy resources and meters with pulse outputs + sensors + Ethernet CD "DONTEL" version X-CI-123 
- Sensors CD "DONTEL" version X-S-1 
- Sensors + calculator (gas) CD "DONTEL" version X-CgS-12
- Sensors + calculator (gas) + Ethernet CD "DONTEL" version X-CgS-123


All Turbulentnost-DON products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Turbulentnost-DON: industrial and household gas and liquid metering devices, calibration installations, measuring complexes, pressure sensors and level meters.
The sale of household meters is made ONLY in BULK
  • Coriolis flow meters Turbulentnost-DON
    Coriolis flow meters
    Turbo Flow CFM-ULG, etc.
  • Ultrasonic flow meters Turbulentnost-DON
    Ultrasonic flow meters
    Turbo Flow UFG-F, etc.
  • Jet Gas flow meters Turbulentnost-DON
    Jet Gas flow meters
    Turbo Flow GFG-ΔP, etc.
  • Thermoanemometric gas flowmeters Turbulentnost-DON
    Thermoanemometric gas flowmeters
    Turbo Flow TFG-S, etc.
  • Flowmeters of petroleum products and liquids Turbulentnost-DON
    Flowmeters of petroleum products and liquids
    Turbo Flow UFL, etc.
  • Coriolis liquid flowmeters Turbulentnost-DON
    Coriolis liquid flowmeters
    Turbo Flow CFM-SLG, etc.
  • Electromagnetic liquid flowmeters Turbulentnost-DON
    Electromagnetic liquid flowmeters
    RS-2M, RS-2M-PIER, etc.
  • Gas meters Turbulentnost-DON
    Gas meters
    Grand, Grand-SPI, etc.
  • Water meters Turbulentnost-DON
    Water meters
    Grand St. TLM, etc.
  • Level gauges Turbulentnost-DON
    Level gauges
    Turbo Flow LVG, etc.
  • Pressure sensors Turbulentnost-DON
    Pressure sensors
    Turbo Flow PS, etc.
  • Verification equipment Turbulentnost-DON
    Verification equipment
    SPU-3, SPU-5, etc.
  • Gas metering points Turbulentnost-DON
    Gas metering points
    PUGS, PURGS, etc.
  • Telemetry and software systems Turbulentnost-DON
    Telemetry and software systems
    Don-Turbo, APK Dontel
  • Related products Turbulentnost-DON
    Related products
    connecting, protective fittings

About Turbulentnost-DON

Since 1998, Turbulence-DON has been successfully operating on the Russian market and in neighboring countries, specializing in the development, production and release of commercial metering devices for gas, liquid, thermal energy: household and industrial appliances. In terms of output, the company occupies a leading position in the country.
  • designing

    Turbulence-DON is a high-tech manufacturing enterprise with its own design bureau. The company employs more than 400 highly qualified specialists in the field of physics, instrumentation, microelectronics, design, construction, economics and many other fields.
  • production

    The Turbulence-DON Group of companies is more than 6000 m2 of production and office space. To date, this is the only enterprise in the Russian Federation that produces measuring devices for municipal and industrial accounting of energy resources.

    The company has its own metrological service, accredited in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements and officially recognized as competent to perform work on the verification of measuring instruments in various environments. A number of verification installations are unique and have no analogues in the Russian Federation.

Information Board Turbulentnost-DON

Learn more about our products Turbulentnost-DON.
  • Turbulence-DON product catalog производства Турбулентность-ДОН
    Turbulence-DON product catalog
  • Price list for Grand counters бренда Турбулентность-ДОН
    Price list for Grand counters
  • Grand Gas Meters от производителя Турбулентность-ДОН
    Grand Gas Meters
  • Presentation about Turbulence-DON производства Турбулентность-ДОН
    Presentation about Turbulence-DON
  • Questionnaire for ordering Turbo Flow PS pressure sensors бренда Турбулентность-ДОН
    Questionnaire for ordering Turbo Flow PS pressure sensors
  • Questionnaire for ordering PUG марки Турбулентность-ДОН
    Questionnaire for ordering PUG
  • Questionnaire for RS-2M liquid flowmeters поставщика Турбулентность-ДОН
    Questionnaire for RS-2M liquid flowmeters
  • Questionnaire for SPU-3 calibration installations завода Турбулентность-ДОН
    Questionnaire for SPU-3 calibration installations
  • Questionnaire for ordering an ultrasonic flow meter Turbo Flow UFG-F на сайте Турбулентность-ДОН
    Questionnaire for ordering an ultrasonic flow meter Turbo Flow UFG-F
  • Questionnaire of GAS flowmeters TFG, GFG производства Турбулентность-ДОН
    Questionnaire of GAS flowmeters TFG, GFG


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