Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

  • DPD Calculate charges


Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the Turbulentnost-DON factory.

Export of Products

Export of Turbulentnost-DON products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Turbulentnost-DON products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Turbulentnost-DON: industrial and household gas and liquid metering devices, calibration installations, measuring complexes, pressure sensors and level meters.
The sale of household meters is made ONLY in BULK
  • Coriolis flow meters Turbulentnost-DON
    Coriolis flow meters
    Turbo Flow CFM-ULG, etc.
  • Ultrasonic flow meters Turbulentnost-DON
    Ultrasonic flow meters
    Turbo Flow UFG-F, etc.
  • Jet Gas flow meters Turbulentnost-DON
    Jet Gas flow meters
    Turbo Flow GFG-ΔP, etc.
  • Thermoanemometric gas flowmeters Turbulentnost-DON
    Thermoanemometric gas flowmeters
    Turbo Flow TFG-S, etc.
  • Flowmeters of petroleum products and liquids Turbulentnost-DON
    Flowmeters of petroleum products and liquids
    Turbo Flow UFL, etc.
  • Coriolis liquid flowmeters Turbulentnost-DON
    Coriolis liquid flowmeters
    Turbo Flow CFM-SLG, etc.
  • Electromagnetic liquid flowmeters Turbulentnost-DON
    Electromagnetic liquid flowmeters
    RS-2M, RS-2M-PIER, etc.
  • Gas meters Turbulentnost-DON
    Gas meters
    Grand, Grand-SPI, etc.
  • Water meters Turbulentnost-DON
    Water meters
    Grand St. TLM, etc.
  • Level gauges Turbulentnost-DON
    Level gauges
    Turbo Flow LVG, etc.
  • Pressure sensors Turbulentnost-DON
    Pressure sensors
    Turbo Flow PS, etc.
  • Verification equipment Turbulentnost-DON
    Verification equipment
    SPU-3, SPU-5, etc.
  • Gas metering points Turbulentnost-DON
    Gas metering points
    PUGS, PURGS, etc.
  • Telemetry and software systems Turbulentnost-DON
    Telemetry and software systems
    Don-Turbo, APK Dontel
  • Related products Turbulentnost-DON
    Related products
    connecting, protective fittings


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